Structure of Snap Schedule 365 object: AvailabilitySchedule
Title | Type | Description |
IsAvailable | boolean | Is the employee available? |
IsException | boolean | Is the availability schedule an exception to the general availability? |
IsAllDay | boolean | Is the availability all day? |
ID | number | ID of the availability schedule |
EmployeeID | number | ID of the parent employee |
ExceptionDate | Date | Date of exception (NULL = no exception) |
DayValue | number | Day of the week (1=Sun, 2=Mon, etc.) |
StartTime | Date | Starting time of availability |
EndTime | Date | Ending time of availability |
DateCreated | Date | Date and time that the availability schedule was created |
LastUpdated | Date | Date and time that the availability schedule was updated |
CompanyTimeNow | Date | The current date and time in the account’s defined timezone. |