Structure of Snap Schedule 365 object: Task


Title Type Description
ID number ID of the task
Code string Unique code to identify the task
Description string Description of the task
TaskCategoryID number (references Definition) Identifies the task category in which this task belongs
WindowStartTime Date Identifies the earliest time that the task can start
WindowDuration number Identifies the task window length
Duration number Default task length (in minutes)
AllowMultipleAssignments boolean Allows task to be assigned more than once to an employee during a given shift assignment
ForegroundColorValue number Identifies the foreground color related to this task
BackgroundColorValue number Identifies the background color related to this task
Notes string Any notes for this task
IsActive boolean Active status of this task
ContactInfo ContactInfo Identifies any contact info for the task
CustomInfo CustomInfo Identifies any custom data for the task
DateCreated Date Date and time that the task was created
LastUpdated Date Date and time that the task was updated
CompanyTimeNow Date The current date and time in the account’s defined timezone.