Structure of Snap Schedule 365 object: Employee
Title | Type | Description |
ID | number | ID of the employee |
Code | string | Unique code to identify the employee |
Name | string | Name of the employee (required) |
IsActive | boolean | Active status of the employee |
IsPortalAllowed | boolean | Is the employee allowed access to the employee remote access portal? |
IsInPortalDirectory | boolean | Can the employees contact information be included in the employee portal directory? |
PortalPasswordConfirmationToken | string | Password confirmation token to allow employee to change password |
PortalPasswordConfirmationTokenExpirationDate | Date | Password confirmation token expiration date and time |
PortalPIN | string | Unique PIN to identify the employee |
PositionID | number (references Definition) | Identifies the employees primary position |
HourlyCost | number | The employees hourly cost |
ContactInfo | ContactInfo | The employees contact information |
CustomInfo | CustomInfo | Identifies any custom data for the employee |
DesiredWorkWeekDuration | number | Length of desired work week in minutes |
MaxWorkDurationPerDay | number | Maximum number of minutes employee can work per day |
MinWorkDurationPerDay | number | Minimum number of minutes employee must work per day |
MaxWorkDurationPerWeek | number | Maximum number of minutes employee can work per week |
MinWorkDurationPerWeek | number | Minimum number of minutes employee must work per day |
MaxOvertimeDurationPerDay | number | Maximum number of overtime minutes employee can work per day |
MaxOvertimeDurationPerWeek | number | Maximum number of overtime minutes employee can work per week |
MaxConsecutiveWorkDays | number | Maximum number of consecutive days that employee can work at a time |
IsOvertimeExempt | boolean | Is employee exempt from overtime? |
DateStarted | Date | Date that the employee was hired |
DateTerminated | Date | Date that the employee was terminated |
GenderID | number (references Definition) | Identifies the gender of this employee |
TeamID | number (references Definition) | Identifies the team that this employee belongs to |
PictureInfo | PictureInfo | Identifies employees profile picture |
Notes | string | Any notes for employee |
DateCreated | Date | Date and time that the employee was created |
LastUpdated | Date | Date and time that the employee was updated |
EmployeeSkills | EmployeeSkill Array | Array of EmployeeSkill objects. |
EmployeeLocations | EmployeeLocation Array | Array of EmployeeLocation objects. |
AvailabilitySchedules | AvailabilitySchedule Array | Array of AvailabilitySchedule objects. |
EmployeeAssignmentReasons | EmployeeAssignmentReason Array | Array of EmployeeAssignmentReason objects. |
EmployeeTasks | EmployeeTask Array | Array of EmployeeTask objects. |
CompanyTimeNow | Date | The current date and time in the account’s defined timezone. |