Structure of Snap Schedule 365 object: Employee


Title Type Description
ID number ID of the employee
Code string Unique code to identify the employee
Name string Name of the employee (required)
IsActive boolean Active status of the employee
IsPortalAllowed boolean Is the employee allowed access to the employee remote access portal?
IsInPortalDirectory boolean Can the employees contact information be included in the employee portal directory?
PortalPasswordConfirmationToken string Password confirmation token to allow employee to change password
PortalPasswordConfirmationTokenExpirationDate Date Password confirmation token expiration date and time
PortalPIN string Unique PIN to identify the employee
PositionID number (references Definition) Identifies the employees primary position
HourlyCost number The employees hourly cost
ContactInfo ContactInfo The employees contact information
CustomInfo CustomInfo Identifies any custom data for the employee
DesiredWorkWeekDuration number Length of desired work week in minutes
MaxWorkDurationPerDay number Maximum number of minutes employee can work per day
MinWorkDurationPerDay number Minimum number of minutes employee must work per day
MaxWorkDurationPerWeek number Maximum number of minutes employee can work per week
MinWorkDurationPerWeek number Minimum number of minutes employee must work per day
MaxOvertimeDurationPerDay number Maximum number of overtime minutes employee can work per day
MaxOvertimeDurationPerWeek number Maximum number of overtime minutes employee can work per week
MaxConsecutiveWorkDays number Maximum number of consecutive days that employee can work at a time
IsOvertimeExempt boolean Is employee exempt from overtime?
DateStarted Date Date that the employee was hired
DateTerminated Date Date that the employee was terminated
GenderID number (references Definition) Identifies the gender of this employee
TeamID number (references Definition) Identifies the team that this employee belongs to
PictureInfo PictureInfo Identifies employees profile picture
Notes string Any notes for employee
DateCreated Date Date and time that the employee was created
LastUpdated Date Date and time that the employee was updated
EmployeeSkills EmployeeSkill Array Array of EmployeeSkill objects.
EmployeeLocations EmployeeLocation Array Array of EmployeeLocation objects.
AvailabilitySchedules AvailabilitySchedule Array Array of AvailabilitySchedule objects.
EmployeeAssignmentReasons EmployeeAssignmentReason Array Array of EmployeeAssignmentReason objects.
EmployeeTasks EmployeeTask Array Array of EmployeeTask objects.
CompanyTimeNow Date The current date and time in the account’s defined timezone.