Right to Request Changes in Work Schedule without Fear of Retaliation

Vermont and the cities of Berkeley and San Francisco have taken steps to put into law protection for employees who request changes to their work schedule without fear of retaliation. While each law varies in parameters the intent across the board is to create a process in which employees can request a change to their…

California Security Guard Services Need To Re-Examine Rest-Break Policies and Practices

With the recent ruling from California’s Supreme Court, employers can no longer require employees to be available or on-call during rest periods and breaks. The case brought to the California Supreme Court was in respect to ABM Security Services Inc.’s policy which required their team of security guards to have their communication devices, such as…

Questions Employers Seek Answers to When Hiring Seasonal Employees

For many retail stores, restaurants, shops, and other consumer-centric businesses the holiday season means an increase in customers frequenting stores, increases in purchases, and hence forth the need to increase or augment staff to deal with the influx of business. Holiday shopping, celebrations, and other events usually draw out larger numbers of customers. Business owners,…

Do You Need to Make Changes To Your Company Overtime Structure?

Many companies and organizations were planning for changes or had already begun to make changes to their workforce management systems and accounts to comply with the Obama Administration’s overtime pay rule, which was supposed to go into effect on December 1st. Now companies are left to either hurry and revert all the work they’ve already…

Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and Washington Voted YES to Increase Their Minimum Wages

The United States has seen a number of movements to improve the lives of workers in the past few years. From the Fight for $15, to the passing of the Secure Scheduling Act and A Fair Day’s Pay Act, it is evident that workers and employees are continuing to push for higher wages, and better…


Streamline Manufacturing Employee Scheduling with Snap Schedule

Difficulties of Manufacturing, Factory, and Production Employee Scheduling Managing employee scheduling in manufacturing facilities encompasses many aspects and obstacles. Perhaps you have employees working in raw materials, inventory management, production, shipping, and more. Each of these areas requires their own unique schedules including different shifts, number of employees needed to perform tasks, and task assignment….

Could You Be Held Liable for Wage and Hour Violations?

If you are an owner, officer, director, managing agent or other person acting on behalf of an employer in California you should be proactive in complying with the labor code. Provisions in the “A Fair Day’s Pay Act” included changes that can directly affect these positions. Specifically, section 558.1 touches upon expansion of liability for…

Ensure Advance Notice of Work Schedules with Snap Schedule 365

The US is ripe for new legislation in regard to predictable employee scheduling, and similar scheduling regulations. Recently, Seattle’s city council passed the “secure scheduling” law , and other areas in the U.S. such as Oregon, New York, North Carolina, and Connecticut are considering legislation in regard to employee management. Seattle is following San Francisco’s…

What will it mean for employers if the Seattle “Secure scheduling” law is passed?

What will it mean for employers if the Seattle “Secure scheduling” law is passed?

The “secure scheduling” law up for vote in Seattle, if passed, will impact retail and quick-serve food and drink businesses that employ at least 500 employees and 40 or more locations. So what will this mean for schedulers who plan, set, and distribute schedules to employees? Some of the main regulations that have been reported…