Extended 12 Hour Shift Pattern | 24/7 Shift Coverage

This plan uses 3 teams and two 12-hr shifts to provide 24/7 coverage. Each team works 7 consecutive day shifts, 7 consecutive night shifts, then takes 7 days off. Characteristics Plan ID C3TR12-3 Name Extended 12 Plan Applicability 24/7 operations Teams Required 3 Shifts Day (12-hr), Night (12-hr) Repeat Cycle 21 days Rotation Rotating between…

Metropolitan Rotating Shift Pattern | 24/7 Shift Coverage

This is a fast rotating shift pattern that uses 4 teams and three 8-hr shifts to provide 24/7 coverage. Each team rotates through a sequence of 2 day shifts, 2 swing shifts, 2 night shifts, and 2 days off over an 8-day cycle.   Characteristics Plan ID C4TR08-2 Name Metropolitan Plan, also referred to as…

4-3, Ten Hour, Rotating Shift Pattern| 24/7 Shift Coverage

The 4-3 Ten Hour Rotating Shift schedule uses 6 teams (crews) and 3 overlapping ten-hour shifts to provide 24/7 coverage. It consists of a 3-week cycle where each team works four consecutive 10-hour first shifts, followed by 3 days off duty, works four consecutive 10-hour third shifts, followed by 3 days off duty, works four…